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cm 10 Ø - 16 Ø - 20 Ø - 23 Ø

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Sphere designed by Francesca Bosa for Bosa is a ceramic sculpture perfect to decorate and embellish every corner of the house. It's an original idea to give a touch of cheer and color to the bookcase or table and is available in different dimensions and finishes.

Sphere Glossy and Satin precious metals

Regular price ¥27,300
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Free shipping in Italy

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cm 10 Ø - 16 Ø - 20 Ø - 23 Ø

available in all colors.

Write the color of the one you love in the order

Feel free to contact us by WhatsApp or e-mail, we will be happy to help you.


Sphere designed by Francesca Bosa for Bosa is a ceramic sculpture perfect to decorate and embellish every corner of the house. It's an original idea to give a touch of cheer and color to the bookcase or table and is available in different dimensions and finishes.