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Born in Perugia on December 9, 1983.

It graduates near the institute Magistral Pieralli and for two years it frequents the Faculty of Civil engineering, that then it leaves in order to devote itself to that one that has always been, until that moment, its passion: Drawing! He then enrolled at the European Institute of Operative Arts in Perugia, Interior Architecture address the duration of 3 years. For two years she has been working in an architectural studio in Perugia. At the end of 2010 she meets Blueside .... and here is where her passion becomes work.

For Sara Design means thinking, conceiving and creating...we are surrounded by design....everything starts from a project!

Below is a quote in which Sara recognizes herself:

"A design object is the result of the joint effort of many people with different specific technical, industrial, commercial, aesthetic skills. The work of the designer is the expressive synthesis of this collective work. What characterizes design is precisely the continuous relationship between several operators, from the entrepreneur to the last worker." (Achille Castiglioni)

1 Result

Elio, champagne glass - Danilo Cascella Premium Store

Elio, Champagne Glass



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