Versailles Bougie – Danilo Cascella Premium Store

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Versailles Bougie

Trudon has imagined an emblematic collection inspired by royal celebrations and the legendary gardens of Versailles.
Versailles and Trudon have shared a common history for over three centuries, through a bond of creative craftsmanship. As the official creator of handmade candles for the royal family until the French Revolution, Trudon has helped create glorious and sparkling moments at the Versailles castle with its candles. As a tribute to such a fascinating past, the new Trudon collection could only bear one name: Versailles.

1 Result

Versailles Collection
Versailles Bougie

Versailles Bougie|Trudon


from ¥7,000

Unit price

1 kind, 4 sizes
  • 70gr
  • 270gr
  • 800gr
  • 3 Kg