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Adriano Design

Torino, Italia

Davide and Gabriele Adriano are brothers, award-winning designers and the founders of Adriano Design. They’ve worked with prestigious national and international companies including Olivetti, Merlo, Scavolini, Meritalia and Fiat’s research center. Over the years, they’ve earned numerous international awards including a Compasso d’Oro (from Italy’s Association for Industrial Design,) iF Product Design Award, Design Plus award, Designpreis Deutschland award (from the German government,) and Good Design Award. They’ve also received prizes in the International Design Competition in Osaka and the Koizumi International Lighting Design Competition. With a broad vision, their design work encompasses and innovates every imaginable type of product.

What was the inspiration behind your Teckell creations?
We wanted to create something new for the Salone del Mobile, something that would transcend the fair’s usual furniture, something that would amaze people. That special something was the first crystal foosball table that we called Teckell.It was a tremendous challenge for us. And B.Lab demonstrated even more courage taking it on as a project. In the end, the marketplace rewarded us all.

In designing this project, what aspect proved most difficult?
Designing without limits, taking on the challenge of transforming an everyday object into a luxury item. No one had ever created a crystal foosball table. We ran into many problems both designing and creating the table, but this only made the final product all the more exclusive and exceptional.

What innovations resulted from this project?
Many innovations have come to light thanks to Teckell’s foosball tables. The prototype had a body made from a single sheet of crystal, a masterpiece both in terms of technology and craftsmanship. The steel plates that attach the legs to the table were bonded directly onto the body. This had never been tried before. The technology inside the table that reduces vibrations was cleverly hidden in order not to interfere with the table’s clean, minimal design. The prototype was so impressive and an innovative wonder that you couldn’t help but fall in love with it at first sight or certainly once you’d played with it. With every new model that comes out, we relive the excitement of creating cutting-edge products.


5 Results

90°Minuto III Noce Italiano, Foosball Table Teckell

90°Minuto III Noce Italiano, Foosball Table Teckell



Unit price

90°Minuto Matte, Calcio Balilla Teckell - Danilo Cascella Premium Store
90°Minuto Matte, Calcio Balilla Teckell - Danilo Cascella Premium Store

90°Minuto II Chalk, Calcio Balilla



Unit price

Cristallino, Calcio Balilla
Cristallino, Calcio Balilla

Cristallino, Calcio Balilla



Unit price

Cristallino Outdoor, Calcio Balilla - Danilo Cascella Premium Store
Cristallino Outdoor, Calcio Balilla - Danilo Cascella Premium Store

Fuoriclasse, Calcio Balilla



Unit price

90°Minuto, Calcio Balilla Teckell - Danilo Cascella Premium Store
90°Minuto, Calcio Balilla Teckell - Danilo Cascella Premium Store

90°Minuto Classic, Calcio Balilla Teckell



Unit price