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GHIDINI 1961, over 50 years of history behind it and entrepreneurial wisdom, a true testimony of Italian craftsmanship, merges with Contemporary Design.


GHIDINI 1961, over 50 years of history behind it and entrepreneurial wisdom, a true testimony of Italian craftsmanship, merges with Contemporary Design.


Ciclotte Marble, is rare blend of exceptional functionality and stunning aesthetics, now available in five exquisite marbles!!

Ciclotte Marble transcends the boundaries of traditional home fitness equipment. It embodies the modern lifestyle while retaining the robustness of professional gym equipment. The structure of the bike harmonises the natural elegance of marble with cutting-edge technology. Its mechanics are underpinned by extensive CX analysis, a turn multiplier transmission system and an electromagnetic resistance mechanism that replicate the sensation of cycling outdoors.


A brand that is distinctive for elegantly designed creations that express luxury without ostentation, available in an uncommon and virtually limitless color palette of leathers and suede, handcrafted to the highest standards using both traditional know-how and leading-edge technology.

Madonna of Gucci 3.0 (MickyMouse)
Madonna of Gucci 3.0 (MickyMouse)

Madonna of Gucci 3.0

In this creation, the artist Paolo Pilotti portrays the Holy Virgin in a position typical of Christian iconography, that of the "Madonna of Humility" who is often represented with her arms crossed on her chest: in this regard we remember the homonymous work by Beato Angelico executed in 1430 and preserved at the National Gallery of Art in Washington.

Danilo Cascella

Following many years of experience in the world of fashion and design, Danilo Cascella has selected the best pride products of made in Italy and international. Guarantees 100% originality of all items offered in his store.